About Frank Lynch The Futurist’s Plans To Leapfrog America A Hundred Years Into the Future

Before Frank Lynch entered the race on July 20, 2007, and posted Frank’s Top Ten List to Leapfrog America A Hundred Years Into the Future at  http://www.franklynch.org/toptenlist.htm no candidate’s website, speeches or platforms included universal healthcare (except Kucinich), the concept of “broken government” and broken institutions, energy independence, 200 new nuclear power plants with recycling of spent nuclear fuel rods,  plug in electric cars, windfarms, creating 20,000,000 new jobs, a green technology revolution, talking to our enemies, aid to college students, longer school hours and year round school, or assistance to working mothers. 

After Frank conducted a high level campaign to the Chairpersons of all 50 Democratic State Organizations (the Party leaders who have the  real power ) and to Howard Dean at the DNC, got on the ballots in Arizona, Minnesota and Utah, and frightened the staffs of Party machines with my over qualifications compared to certain unqualified candidates (see http://www.franklynch.name/overqualified.htm magically these became the core issues of all the candidates and of the DNC, and are now the accepted policy of the new President.

 Importantly, all the main stream media and the Democratic Party accept Frank’s  issues from his July 20, 2007 website as the agenda for “Change” in America. Frank changed the future of America. Unfortunately, Obama has twisted and distorted Frank’s Top Ten List, and the other concepts from his website. For example, Frank wrote of “bold” leadership. This term has subsequently been adopted by many political consultans and speechwriters of both parties so that today it is common to see a speech by politiciaqns of either party claiming “bold leadership” when they tie their shoelaces or eat lunch. Frank intended “bold leadership” to denote truly bold changes such as closing the college system or slahing the bloated and corrupt military budget by 80%.

This website will now become the agent for “Change” because so far Obama has not innovated to the extent Frank posted at http://www.franklynch.org

This blog will resume moving America into the best possible future, and prodding our new failed government toward fully implementing Frank’s Top Ten List.

Frank’s full time job will now be building a bold new University, the Frank Lynch University ( www.fluni.com ) dedicated to curing America’s shortage of 3,000,000 math, medical, science and engineering teachers, and to building a new  charity supported by your tax deductible contributions. That charity is dedicated to helping stamp out poverty inside the US, as opposed to other charities, like Clinton’s, that send our money overseas while millions of forgotten American children lead lives in ignorance, almost without hope, inside the richest nation on earth ( www.franklynchfoundation.org ).


  1. Thanks for the add!

  2. I like your blog. I will keep reading this from time to time. Good luck !!


    Thank you, Gus!

  3. Frank: You’re vast! You’re covering quite a number of issues.This to me, is relevance. Keep up the good job!–Olaotan Odunuga

  4. Hi Frank,

    Pardon the late reply. Putting me on your blog roll would be very cool.

    My site is thejorgezone.wordpress.com

    Great blog Frank. All the best.


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